The Kingdom of God!


Chapter 59


Luke said in Luke 2:13 when a company of the heavenly hosts surrounded the shepherds and said,


"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"


How does this promise apply to the situation we find the world in today? If you watch the headlines of

today the promise of peace on earth sounds like a mockery. The year of 2020 will not go down in history as peaceful, given the worldwide pandemic, lawlessness in our streets, radical conflict and ongoing political wrangling.


Whether in the United States or in other countries of the world, peace is the exception, not the rule. How does this promise apply to a family who has lost a loved one to COVID-19, or a homeless teenager, or a heartbroken parent? Peace is a gift we would all like to have, but it seems as if the world has been left to manage as best it can without it. So, did Jesus bring peace to the world or did He not?


We must realize that Jesus did what no other teacher or guru has ever been able to do. He alone established peace between us and God. Paul said in Rom. 5:1,


"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"


All other teachers and religious leaders can only suggest we rectify our behaviors; however, Jesus rectified our relationship with God by removing the sin barrier between us and the only true living God whose holiness is beyond our comprehension. But there is more, the redemption that Jesus purchased on our behalf changes our very aspirations and He births new desires in our hearts. Paul said in Phil. 2:12-13,


"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."


Every human being fights a civil war within between their spirit and their soul. (mind) Circumstances often create thoughts in our minds of injustice, selfishness, hostility and resentment. In the midst of all of this, we are told to not let our hearts to be troubled and neither let them be afraid. (John 4:27) The promise of peace does not depend upon our human determination to think positive thoughts nor is it dependent on the improvement or our circumstances. It comes from above.


However, we do have the responsibility of controlling our thoughts. Paul said in 2 Cor. 10:4-5,


"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."


Paul also said in Phil. 4:8,


"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these thingsThose things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."


We do have the responsibility of filling our minds with the word of God. Paul said in Rom. 12:2,


"And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." 


In election news, Sidney Powel wrote,




Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration, 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND


In the last 10 weeks, Arizona has checked the voter registration credentials with the Social Security Administration (SSA) on 673,560 applicants.


This is a massive volume considering most States including Arizona typically process around 2,500 a month.


During "new voter registration" States are to verify the driver's license number against their own MVD database.


"No Match" was found on 58% of the voters submitted by Arizona over the last 10 weeks.




On Friday, September 24, 2021, The Arizona State Legislature released the findings of the massive audit it has been working on. You can go to:,


which is their website and watch the in-depth video presentation of their findings.


They found multiple ballots without signatures and multiple duplications of ballots. They found that their computers were connected to the internet and lacked proper methods to prevent hacking. Maricopa County officials refused to allow their computers to be invested and even sued the Legislature. This is sure evidence of them hiding something. You have to realize that if they prove certain individuals intentionally broke the election laws, which cause the wrong persons to be elected, those individuals would be subject to being arrested and put in jail.


So, what is to happen now? The Legislature will turn over these results to the State Attorney General and it will be his responsibility to take action on any violation of Arizona's election laws. The State Legislature can overturn the results of the election that they have reported to the Congress of the United States.


These same things have happened in multiple States. Not only in the swing States. This is why we have to stand up and demand that our election laws be change so that this can never happen again. Those who have perpetuated this fraud must be brought to justice and our laws change to prevent this from happening ever again. We must have the confidence that every vote is counted and there is no way fraud can occur.


The evil that is behind these election results is spiritual and we have the power, as Christians, to take authority over the demonic spirits that are trying to destroy this nation. Christians can no longer just rely on just praying and asking the Lord to do something about the mess our nation is in. It is our responsibility to learn how to do spiritual warfare and to take authority over the evil that wants to destroy our nation.


Our nation was founded on Judeo Christian principles that permit the freedom of our people to elect those that they want to govern them. This is in direct opposition to Satan's will and he is out to destroy our nation which stands as the light of the world and why so many have decided to leave their nation and become a part of the United States of America and live their lives in freedom.


Because we have lived in freedom all of our lives it is easy to take our freedom for granted. In all of my some 82 years, I have never seen a time like we are in today when our freedom is being challenged from within our own nation by those who do not have the peoples best interest at heart. They have been working on this for several years but now because of the ability of every person to let their views be known and the rapid communication system we have, we are now being fed misinformation in order to get us to believe what is not the truth so we can be overcome from within. They will look you in the eye and lie to you. They will tell you what you can see with your own eyes is something other than what you are observing.


Unfortunately, many Christians have listened to this every day and have filled their minds with all of this misinformation without looking in the Bible to see what God says about these things. As a result, they confess what the media says about our election and what is going on in our nation.


The good news today is that the Lord is working with us to reveal this evil so that all will be able to see what the truth really is. Look for a supernatural intervention of the Lord and listen to Christian news broadcasts that will not only tell you the truth about what is happening in our nation but will tell you how to do spiritual warfare to stop the lies from spreading.